Animal Jam Art Wiki

We'd love to hear from you!

Have any suggestions for pages, art, artists, features etc. for this wiki? Leave a comment below, or edit the page's list. We will get back to you ASAP, so be sure to check back often. Only ask for things if they are not on the wiki already. Please check to see if what you'd like to be added already has a page on this Wikia. Happy Jamming! Please only use this page if you want to suggest something.

Once something has been added, your comment will be deleted to clean up this page. You can also ask to have your own comment deleted by our admins if you comment so.

Note: If you create a new page for an artist or yourself, please use category tag "Aspiring Artist" opposed to "Artist". We will check back often and upgrade to "Artist" if your page is sufficient. If your page doesn't have a sufficient amount of art or information within a week of creation, the page may be deleted. Page deletion isn't about the quality of the art, It's whether or not the page is proper. This is to clean up and prevent spam. You may remake the page for that artist again in one week. Same rules apply.
